Astroneer Wiki
Large Starship Horn Large Starship Horn
Large Starship Horn
Tier Large
Group Item
Type Recreational
Scrap Value 3 Icon Scrap Scrap

The Large Starship Horn is a recreational item in Astroneer.


The Large Starship Horn can be found on wrecks of starships and on large rovers scattered around certain planets.


The Large Starship Horn can be used to honk at other players while driving around on rovers. Placing it on one of the front slots of the rover and pressing the corresponding context keys (C or V for keyboard, XBONE_LB or XBONE_RB for Xbox, or PS4_L1 or PS4_R1 for PS4) will activate the horn.

While on the ground, the horn may be activated by hovering and pressing the Use key (F, XBONE_Y, or PS4_Triangle for keyboard, Xbox, and PS4 respectively).


The Large Starship Horn will play a series of tunes that sound like the theme for The Shining.[citation needed] The Large Starship Horn makes a very cool noise when you play it, at the noise brings great joy to anyone who hears it. [citation needed] it is also the largest Horn in the game and is currently unprintable by any of the Printers.

