Astroneer Wiki

File:Ingame Controls.jpg

The Keyboard Controls for Astroneer.


Keyboard Controls
Button Action
Esc Brings up the menu
W, A, S, D Move Astroneer
Single-Click Move/Extend/Interact
Right-Click-Drag Move camera.
Shift + W, A, S, D Sprint.
Ctrl + W, A, S, D Walk.
Space Jump.
Tab Enter & Exit Vehicles and Habitats
Q Open/Close Backpack
E Activate Deform Tool. Click terrain to remove/subtract.
Ctrl + E Use Deform Tool to flatten/smooth terrain. (Hold Ctrl while using)
Alt + E Use Deform Tool to add terrain. (Hold Alt while using)
T Place tether. (Must have tethers in backpack).
Shift-Click Automatically places items into inventory if there is space for it.
1 Joy emote
2 Happy emote
3 Wave emote
4 What? emote
F1 Help

Rebinding keys


Rebounded Movement Keys

You can rebind any of the keys listed above, by pressing escape and going to options then controls. From there you can rebind all the controls.

Similarly, going into the GameUserSettings.ini files located in "C:\Users\[NAME]\AppData\Local\Astro\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor" allows you to edit all of the games keybinds, including a few not available ingame. For example, mouse sensitivity is:

  • AxisName="LookUpRate",Key=MouseY,Scale=-1.000000
  • AxisName="TurnRate",Key=MouseX,Scale=1.000000

Quick keyboard assists

When picking up an item, hitting Tab will place it directly into your backpack if there is free space without having to place it manually.
